Water, sewer, and refuse collection services are billed to Town of Luray citizens monthly. These bills are mailed on the 25th of each month and are due on the 10th of the following month. Rate schedules are listed below.
A 10% penalty is added to the total amount of billings on the 11th day of the month. If bills are not paid by the 21st day of each month, water service will be disconnected without further notice. In order to have service restored, the past due portion of your account must be paid in full plus a $50.00 reconnection fee, $75.00 after 5:00pm.
...A dripping faucet or fixture can waste 3 gallons of water a day -a total of 1,095 gallons a year! Diameter of stream water wasted in 90 days at an average of 60 psi water pressure:
Your drinking water is groundwater and groundwater under the influence of surface water obtained from a spring and a drilled well. Water is distributed throughout the town by two finished water pump stations, one booster station, four storage tanks and variously sized distribution piping. All water supplied to the Town of Luray undergoes treatment. Treatment of Hite Spring and Well 6 is accomplished at the Water Treatment Plant located on Stoney Brook Lane prior to distribution and consists of membrane filtration to remove turbidity, chlorination to disinfect the water, and fluoridation to aid in reducing tooth decay.
A 1/4" stream / diameter hole can waste 1,181,500 gallons of water.
A 3/16" stream / diameter hole can waste 666,000 gallons of water.
A 1/8" stream / diameter hole can waste 296,000 gallons of water.
A 1/16" stream / diameter hole can waste 74,000 gallons of water.
Not all drinking water is treated. Source water protection is especially important for rural residents or those relying solely on private well water without access to industrial treatment and expensive testing used by public suppliers.